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Standards As a Major Tool to Raise Awareness of the Importance of Translation and Interpreting
作者:;      发布时间:2018-06-25      

    2018622日(周五)上午10点,受6163银河.net163.am研究生院之邀,来自阿根廷萨尔瓦多大学的Veronica Perez Guarnieri 教授在逸夫人文楼A2014为外院全体师生开展了题为 “Standards As a Major Tool to Raise Awareness of the Importance of Translation and Interpreting” 的学术讲座,我院多位骨干教师和英语专业研究生参加了此次讲座。本次讲座由银河邢星老师主持。


    本次讲座中Veronica Perez Guarnieri教授主要介绍了翻译与口译的相关标准,目的是提高学者对其重要性的认识与理解,其内容主要围绕以下几个方面展开:1. 制定翻译与口译相关标准的重要性,标准的制定对于进行翻译与口译有着指导性作用;2.如何制定标准及其大致步骤,其中主要经历六个阶段:new work item proposal→ building expert consensus→ consensus building with TC/SCenquiry on DIS(Draft International Standard)→ formal vote on FDIS→ publication of international standards; 3. 解读国际标准化组织(International Organization for StandardizationISO)对于翻译与口译所制定的国际化标准;4. 分析阿根廷对于翻译与口译所制定的标准,除了统一化、国际化标准,由于地域差异,不同国家还会制定适应本国需要的相关标准。正所谓“没有规矩,不成方圆”,翻译与口译标准的制定将会提高学者们对其重要性的认识与重视,同时也为翻译与口译的发展奠定良好基础。



专家简介:Ms. Pérez Guarnieri is a Conference Interpreter, English Professor and Certified Translator from Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Translation Skills from City University in the UK and a Master’s Degree in Specialized Translation (Máster en Traducción Especializada) from Universidad de Córdoba in Spain, where she later pursued doctoral studies in the area of legal translation. She obtained her Ph.D. Cum Laude from Universidad de Córdoba in Spain in 2017. Ms. Pérez Guarnieri is an interpreter and translator with more than 20 years’ experience working for international agencies such as the UN, the OAS, FIFA, FAO, World Rugby, The American Embassy, The British Council and The Green Climate Fund, in addition to multinational companies and government agencies. In 2015 she joined Calliope -Interpreters, the prestigious international network of consultant interpreters.
