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Legal Translation and Interpreting (LTI) in Europe: Overview
作者:张旭;      发布时间:2018-06-25      

2018622日(周五)上午9时,受6163银河.net163.am邀请,国际译联法庭口译和法律翻译委员会主席Prof. Liese Katschinka,在人文逸夫楼A2014学术报告厅为我院师生做了题为“Legal Translation and Interpreting (LTI) in Europe: Overview”的学术讲座。银河多位骨干教师和英语专业研究生参加了次场讲座。讲座由银河邢星老师主持。

讲座中,Liese Katschinka教授从宏观层面介绍了欧洲法律翻译的概况,主要从以下几个问题展开:(1)国际LTI的制度特征。不同地区之间存在差异,制度会根据当地的经济政治、历史文化等因素进行不同程度的调整。这就要求译员能够根据当地的特色进行翻译活动。(2译员的素养。合格的译员必须具备良好的双语能力、跨文化素养和超强的抗压能力。前两者是译员的基本功,后一个是职业性质的要求,要求译者必须在注意力高度集中、大脑高速运转的状态下工作,同时要有能快速有效地处理各种突发状况的能力。(3)什么是“actual practices”。 它涉及司法利益相关者协议、LIT专业化组织以及用户和服务提供商之间的合作。译员需要在实践过程中不断熟悉自己的业务内容,不断提高自己的专业素养和专业能力。(4CPD对译员的要求。CPD的形式多种多样,主要有培训课程、实习培训和科学研究等。它对译员的要求是终身的,只有不断地学习充电才能不被行业所淘汰。(528个欧盟国家的LIT现状:Liese Katschink教授对28个国家的法律翻译现状依次做了介绍,不同国家的体系各具特色。例如荷兰有详细的LIT数据库;爱尔兰没有官方译员数据库,他们依赖专业组织和使馆成员;又如马耳他刚刚建立起国家LIT数据库。总体来说,有的国家已经有非常系统完善的制度体系;有的国家还在发展中,不够健全,还有很长一段发展道路。

最后Liese Katschinka教授提供了一个LTI的信息网站,供有兴趣的师生了解更多的相关知识:www.eulita.eu现场的提问环节,老师和同学们都积极与Liese Katschinka教授交流互动。其中安鲜红老师问道:“成为一名优秀译员有没有什么秘诀?”教授说译员的路上没有捷径,只有——“work”“learn” and “practice”。来自Liese Katschinka教授的权威回答,更加坚定了同学们朝着翻译方向不懈努力的决心。整场讲座气氛融洽,Liese Katschinka教授的精彩演讲获得了全场听众的阵阵掌声。


【专家简介】Graduated from the University of Vienna, Austria, and obtained a university diploma as translator and interpreter (comparable to a master’s degree).Has been working as a free-lance conference interpreter (AIIC; German, English, French) for international organizations (UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, EU, CCBE, European and international professional organizations, multinational companies and banks) and certified court interpreter (German, English), as well as a sci-tech and legal translator throughout her professional life. Has been actively involved in a number of national and international professional associations (e.g. Secretary General of the Austrian Translators’ and Interpreters’ Association UNIVERSITAS from 1982 to 1991; Vice-President of the International Federation of Translators (FIT) from 1984 to 1987, FIT Secretary General from 1993 – 1999; Vice-President of the Austrian Court Interpreters' Association, Chairperson of the FIT Committee on Court Interpreting and Legal Translation, Member of the AIIC Court and Legal Interpreting Commission; President of EULITA (European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association) between 2009 and 2017.Was actively involved in the elaboration of quality standards for translators and interpreters (ÖNORM D 1200 and EN 15038). Currently project leader for an ISO standard on legal interpreting (FDIS 20228). Has written a large number of articles on the topics of court interpreting, quality assurance, association building, etc., for various professional journals and made over a dozen presentations on these topics at various international conferences.
