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卫乃兴:Corpora in Foreign Language Teaching and Research
作者:;      发布时间:2018-06-04      

    201861日(周五)上午10点,受6163银河.net163.am之邀,来自北京航空航天大学的卫乃兴教授在人文逸夫楼A2014学术报告厅为外院全体师生带来了一场题为“Corpora in Foreign Language Teaching and Research” 的讲座。本次讲座由银河蔡蕾副教授主持。


    此次讲座主要围绕语言学语料库简介、语言共选、短语学以及意义移变单位四个主题展开。讲座伊始,卫乃兴教授首先向大家简要介绍了Corpus linguistics的定义。其中,他引用到著名学者McEnery WilsonCorpus linguistics的定义:Corpus linguistics is a study of language based on examples of ‘real life’ language use. 此外,卫教授还指出Corpus linguistics studies的主要特征为它是借助计算机的使用以大量规范、自然、真实的语篇作为基础进行定性与定量研究与分析。与此同时,他还讲到语料库研究的分析工具及数据形式,其中包括:frequency of occurrence, concordances, collocations, patterns, key words.

    讲座的第二部分,卫教授向大家讲解到语言共选的相关概念,主要包括词汇与语法、词汇与词汇及形式与意义的共选。他还指出语言项目的选择并不是独立的而是共同的并以 “task” “job”作为例证进行阐述。此外,卫教授还谈到单个词语不表达主要意义、语言共选将导致词形改变等主要观点。

    随后,卫教授借以例证 “commit” 向大家分别深入讲解了 “phraseology” “phraseological unit” 的定义:phraseology is the study of recurrent co-selections of word forms in integration with their formal semantic and functional features; a phrase is an extended unit of meaning, a functionally complete unit and a unit of analysis.

    最后,在谈到意义移变单位(Meaning Shift Units),卫教授首先提出相关研究成果:1.语言共选将导致词形的改变;2.每一种新的语言共选形式将会产生新的意义;3.语篇是由不同的意义移变单位所构成;4.说话者可以通过选择新的词组形式从而构建新的意义。除此之外,他还向大家介绍了五种可构成意义移变单位的形式:1.core; 2.collocation; 3.colligation; 4.semantic preference; 5.semantic prosody.




专家简介Wei Naixing is Professor of English and Director of the Research Institute of Linguistics Science and Engineering at Beihang University, China. He holds a MA in English degree of Birmingham University and a Ph.D in Linguistics degree of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, the Journal of Contemporary Foreign Language Studies, the journal of Corpus Linguistics and the journal of PLA Foreign Language University. Wei Naixing has served as Professor of English at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Adjunct Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Chongqing University, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Beijing University of Technology. He is a founding member of the Corpus Linguistics Society of China (CLSC) and served as its Chairman from April 2009 to April 2017. In 2010 he transferred to Behang University in the capacity of Outstanding Professor in Humanities.

    Wei Naixing's major research interests cover corpus linguistics, phraseology, English for academic purposes, discourse analysis and contrastive studies of English and Chinese. He has directed 4 National Social Science Fund research projects and 2 Ministry of Education 985-Fund research projects. He has published 6 monographs and 50 research papers.
